the most beautiful moment in life

    I had a thought, why are we dying to live if we're living just to die in the end. Have you ever asked yourself, Are you really living life to the fullest ? Are you really happy of the things that you are doing right now or are you really just trapped in someone else's dreams?

   I live by one rule, a rule that has shaped me of who I am now.I have learned to make sure I go my path, my way, not my parents and not my teachers even if I were to live only for one day I will make sure I strive for myself and myself only because I realise that I was given this life for a reason.I know as much as I doubt myself that I have a part to play in society and I will make sure no one comes my way in making sure I live my life to the fullest and I live it my way.

    Life is waiting for spring.Before you get to see the flowers bloom, before you are to breathe the sweet scent of the ever lasting blossoms , you need to feel the thirst of the burning dessert.Everybody will go through a point in their lives, where they feel like giving up.Where they feel like a hopeless crow searching for water in the midst of summer but what makes everyone different is how they find for that water, how one handles their struggles.Will you give in, or will you strive ? I believe that if you are to be strong and carry on you will manage to rid of your hardships and that way you will truly treasure the meaning of life.That in my standpoint, will be the most beautiful moment in ones life.Overcoming your struggles.

     Life is a song, it doesn't last forever but you're the composer, how you melodise your life is up to you.How you carve the notes into your scores is up to you.Will you write the lyrics to your life with depth and emotion or will you let your song just be another song that will be forgotten and lost in history.Will you let your song be a sad one or a happy one, a complex one with a building crescendo or a simple one, one like a lullaby.

   Like the conductor of an orchestra, if you manage to lead your symphony,your piece will come together and it will be melodious, but you have to be patient because every great piece takes time and a great life consists a bountiful amount of sacrifices, choices you have to make.Like I said, a song is short and so is life, but its up to you, will you make it memorable so that it can be replayed and remembered ?
    Every good thing must come to an end, every spring will come to end, the flowers will wither and we will die but what we can do is live life to the fullest, make sure every heartbeat counts because every breath you breathe in is a gift, a blessing.Theres no need to live life based on the standards of someone else, that way you're never really living your own life.Do what your heart feels like, sing your heart out because in the end this is your song, your life.Know that its okay to lose, its okay to fall down, its okay to cry.Whats important is that you get back up after that because the dawn before the sun rises is the darkest so whenever you feel like falling down, step harder.
  Though I am barely 16, I have learnt that happiness is not something you must achieve, its not your main purpose in life,its not a goal, you don't have to be happy all the time to have a great life.I have learnt that something can be beautiful because something bad happened, that the beautiful moments can be found through blood sweat and tears, through my struggles I have found who I am truly and that, to me, is my most beautiful moment in life.I believe that if you stick to  what your heart wants, even the driest desserts will become vast seas.Live your life your way, its yours, anyways.



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